Duck: Cheryl Seligman
Copy Chief | Fall 2012; Design Editor | Spring 2013
Micah Benson | Art Director
Hi, friends
I can’t possibly write everything I want to write in 700 words, so please know I respect you all more than you know. My one year here has been so much fun, in large part because of you. Thanks for the memories, and please keep in touch! I mean it.
Casey, Jess, Meredith, Nicki, Dylan, Brendan, Evan: From falling tiles to sex scandals to SA drama — you’ve handled it all incredibly well. You’re an inspiration to every journalist out there. Thanks for dealing with my stress when designing. I always had so much fun working in News. (Casey: You’re going to kill it next semester! The paper is in great hands.)
Rachael: My few nights on the porch with you were some of my favorites — so glad I got to know you. I’m going to miss you next year!
Chelsea, Kristen, Joe, Avery, Erik, Claire, Boomer, Colleen: Pulp was my favorite section to design — just saying. It’s been so fun getting to know you! You really are the sweet stuff.
Chris, Jacob, David, Phil, Trevor, Ryne, Jon, Nick: Thanks for answering all of my questions in the fall. You’re all crazy talented sports journalists. I could always count on you to make me laugh, even on the longest of stressful nights.
Chase, Sam, Luke, Lauren: Your abilities to tell a story without words is beyond admirable. Thanks for making every day exciting!
Micah: I wish I had drawing abilities even 1,000th of a percent as good as yours. It’s been fun working with you!
Maddy: You’re an incredible copy chief, writer and all-around journalist. I know you’re going to do great things next semester. Keep smiling and doing what you do best!
Dara, Danielle, Debbie, Allie, Chris, Stephanie, Bre: Your contributions to this paper outside of the house never went unnoticed. I’m so glad to have worked alongside you!
Dana: Thanks for being the best mentor I ever could have asked for. I hope we can meet up again!
Campus Times: You prepared me well for this job! I’ll never forget my CT years.
Lizzie, Ankur, Becca, Beth, Michelle, Marwa (a.k.a. The Legion): We designed a spectacular set of newspapers this semester, and had so much fun doing it. You’re all incredibly talented. I’m honored to have been on your team!
Professor Lloyd: I’ve learned so much about journalism this year, but nobody taught me as well as you about being the journalist I want to be. Please trust me when I say I learned far more from you than you probably realize. I can’t thank you enough for your dedication to what you do and to your students, as well as your belief in and support for this newspaper.
Meghin: Your first email to me not 10 minutes after Mark introduced me to the staff was what solidified my excitement about joining The Daily Orange. You made me feel welcome before I even knew you, and I’m so thankful I got to share the porch with you. I look up to you so much and am thrilled we became such good friends. Thank you for everything — I miss and love you!
Laurence: I can’t imagine how my year here would have been had we not met. I’ve loved chatting with you about everything and anything. You are so talented and you inspire me so much. Thank you for all of your hard work. Good luck at your internship this summer — you’re going to love it. I CANNOT WAIT to continue looking into hopefully living with you in New York City!
Mark: I admire you more than you know. I don’t even know how to describe in words how impressed I am by you, your management abilities, your journalism talents and the kind of person you are. Your blood, sweat and tears have paid off this year, and you’re going to go far in this industry. I thank you from the bottom of my heart for giving me the opportunity to join such an incredible newspaper and group of people. I’m truly honored to have worked on your staff, and am so glad we’ve become good friends. You deserve everything that’s coming your way and more.
Peace, love and brandy,
Published on April 30, 2013 at 11:57 am
Contact Cheryl: | @CherylSeligman