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Duck: Sara Swann

Asst. News Editor | Spring 2015-Spring 2016; News Editor | Fall 2016

Sometimes I think about what my life would be like without The Daily Orange. I’d sleep more often, eat better (or not, this is college after all) and be caught up on all my TV shows. But man would I be bored.

Four semesters later, my time at The D.O. (for now) is over. Being news editor was something I’d been dreaming about since I first picked up The D.O. as a high school junior. Everyone told me this would be the hardest job ever. And they were right. But it was also the best.

I know I’ll ultimately forget someone in my Duck or not find the right words to express myself, but thank you to everyone at The D.O. This has truly been the best thing that has ever happened to me.

Mr. Rich: In your high school newspaper class is where I fell in love with journalism. You believed in my big dreams and always had great life advice to give. Thank you.

Justin: What do I even say? You’ve been there since the beginning. You’ve been my peer adviser, my fellow assistant news editor, my news editor, my managing editor and my editor in chief. But most importantly you’ve been my friend for the past two and half years and I couldn’t be more grateful. Thinking about The D.O. without you there next year is weird and sad. You’re such a fixture. I know no matter what happens, everything will be OK because you’re always there. I can’t thank you enough for all you’ve done for me — the advice, the stories, the support, the friendship.

Michael Burke: There’s no one else I’d rather hand the News section over to than you. You can be pretty ridiculous at times, but I know you’re going to do a great job as NE. Even though I’ll be across the pond, I’ll always be there if you need help/advice.

Stacy: Over the past year and a half I’ve seen you grow so much as a journalist and I could not be more proud of you. I know you’re going to be wonderful in Pulp. Love, Editor Mom.

Satoshi: I’ve never met anyone more determined and dedicated than you, Satoshi. You’re so reliable and hard-working, it’s been an absolute privilege to work with you. I can’t wait to see what sirens you chase and stories you uncover in the spring.

Haley: I’m gonna miss talking about The 1975 and YA novels with you! You’re such a positive presence and I’ve loved working with you.

Taylor: You’re a strong writer and have great ideas. I can’t wait to see what you do in the future at The D.O.! Go Steelers!

Clare: Hey Clare, did you know I’m going to London?! Thanks for all the Starbucks trips, late night talks and perfect hugs. You’re pretty cool, I guess. By the way, do you want to ride shotgun?

Jes: I wish we had become friends earlier in college because you’re so cool. Thanks for going shopping with me and being a #AerieRealGirl.

Mara: I admire how strong and poised of a leader you are. Thank you for being a great EIC.

Chloe: I’ve missed seeing your smiling face around the house. Thanks for your endless optimism.

Jess: People say I remind them of you, and that’s one of the best compliments I’ve ever received. You were my first editor and very much an inspiration to me, then and now. Whenever I needed a push in the right direction, I read the news editor email you sent me, so thank you for that.

Brett: Thanks for taking a chance on a freshman and hiring me two years ago. I learned a lot from you.

Sam Blum: Thanks for believing in me. You’re the best.

Rachel Gilbert: You’re so multi-talented and I’m super jealous of your baking skills. Thank you for the wisdom, grandma.

Paul: You’re such a hard worker, always #OnThatGrind. But please try to get some sleep next semester.

Chris: One of my biggest regrets is never editing with you. You’re an incredible writer and I know you’re going to find success no matter what you do.

Jon: If you can’t get a job somewhere, we’re all screwed. But seriously, you’re super talented and I wish I knew how to do half the stuff you do.

Matthew: Never lose your ambition, it will take you far.

Sam Fortier: You’re one of my favorite people at The D.O. so I’m sad I won’t see you for awhile. You’re an insanely good writer and overall fantastic person.

Tomer: It feels like forever ago I was talking to you about The D.O. before you started working in-house. I still think it’s funny we lived in the same dorm freshman year and never met, but our dads randomly did. I’ll miss your dance moves, distinct laughter and self-deprecating humor while I’m abroad. You’re going to be an amazing sports editor.

Brigid Kennedy: Of course life is cruel and we both had to go abroad in back-to-back semesters. I miss you terribly and I can’t wait to see you again!

Ali Harford: The Louise to my Tina, I am so glad you joined The D.O. because you fit right in! Keep that smile on your face, girl!

Lucy: As your friend and peer adviser, I couldn’t be more proud of you and all you’ve accomplished at The D.O.! I am so excited for you to be PD and I can’t wait to see what @DO_Visuals does under your leadership.

Emma Comtois: You are so cool, Emma. I admire your chill vibe and lifestyle. You’re also super talented and are gonna do big things!

Jacob Gedetsis: Even though the server sucked, you really took the website to new heights this semester. It’s clear how much you love The D.O. and how talented you are. I’ll let you know about all the great coffee shops in London.

Kat: You are an inspiration to me. I’m sorry we couldn’t hang out more this semester. I love you with all my heart!

Emma Fienga: Even though we won’t live together again in college, you’ll always be my roommate. Thanks for putting up with me being at The D.O. all the time. Thanks for all the random fun facts and Netflix nights. Thanks for going to Canada with me (twice). I promise we’ll hang out more often when I get back from London! Love ya, E-Sleazy!

Alexa Diaz: You are a ray of sunshine. I can be having a bad day, but then I’ll see you and everything will be OK. I can come to you about anything and you’ll make it better with a hug and some magical solution I never considered. You are so talented and smart. Thank you for your help, kindness, vast use of emojis and hilarious budget jokes.

Caroline: It’s hard to imagine not seeing you every day and talking about WGS classes, The 1975, Harry Potter, Ariana Grande, cats, etc. I’ll miss watching SNL with you and grabbing coffee before Head Eds. Thanks for putting up with me falling asleep sometimes when talking about edit board topics. Thanks for ranting with me et merci d’avoir parlé français avec moi. Je t’aime mon petit ange brun!

Alexa Torrens: Whether it’s at Panera, Taco Bell or Burger King, I’ve loved our DORTS (D.O. Real Talks™). I know I can talk to you about anything and you’ll understand completely. You know what I’ve been through as NE because you were there last semester, so you can relate to all of my frustration, insecurity and anxiety. Whenever you’re around it’s always a good time because you’re just such a great person. I’m going to miss you and your wild stories. Please try not to kill Rachel with your driving. Love ya, sis!

Rachel Sandler: The Meme Queen. I don’t know how I’m gonna keep up on the latest gossip without you — not to mention all The D.O. dish. You always know what’s going on and I love our late night talks. You’re one of my best friends and it’s gonna be so weird not being able to talk to you every day. Who’s gonna take over the aux when we need to listen to a bop? I’m sad I won’t be around to see you kill it as digital editor. Love you, smol bean!

Olivia and Shaye: Thanks for listening to me constantly talk about The D.O. when I’m home. I know I’m often too busy to talk or Skype during the school year, but I really do miss you two! Love you!

Mom, Dad & Emily: I’m sorry I don’t call more often and you all worry over me so much. Thank you for the endless love and support with everything I do  — it makes the distance and the long hours easier to handle. I love you as much as Emily loves eating ramen and watching BuzzFeed videos!

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