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Duck: Justin Mattingly

Sydney March | Staff Illustrator

Asst. News Editor | Fall 2014-Spring 2015; News Editor | Fall 2015; Managing Editor | Spring 2016; Editor in Chief | Fall 2016-Spring 2017

I came to Syracuse thinking I’d be a sports writer. I’d spent my childhood in ballparks, idolizing beat reporters and staring in awe at press boxes.

There are places and people that change your life. The Daily Orange and the people I’ve been so blessed to work with over the past three years have changed mine for the better. I became a news writer and came to understand myself thanks to the people inside 744 Ostrom Ave. This is an attempt at thanking the people who have shaped my journey.

Ellen: I would’ve never ended up here if you hadn’t randomly called me asking if I wanted to write a story. For that, I’m forever grateful.

Annie: Thanks for being my first News Editor and for saving my butt on the athletics budget A1.

Jess: No person outside my immediate family has had a bigger impact on my life than you. Thanks for making me catch the news bug.

Lara: I didn’t fully understand what you did to ensure the paper’s longevity until I came into MGMT. Thanks for being a great leader.

Meredith: You welcomed my raw news self with open arms and enthusiasm that’s unmatched. Thanks for all the quality gchat sessions and for your support.

Anna: One of my favorite things that happened this year was you coming back in-house. Full circle.

Shawna, Natasha, Lydia, Danny and Jake: I still consider my time as an assistant my favorite at the paper. Thanks for being a part of it all.

Ali: If the paper was comprised of 45 Ali Linans, the world would be a better place. You’re the most reliable person I know. Thanks for being a friend.

Katelyn: You stepped up to copy over the summer and did great work. Keep that drive.

Frankie: Let’s chase some sirens.

Margaret: Working with you and Clare on Lockerbie was one of my favorite News Editor projects. Thank you.

Logan: My greatest accomplishment at this paper was making you go shirtless for Secret Santa 2K15. Triangle.

Riley: Becoming a head ed after never working in-house is a tough ask. You stepped up to the plate and did a great job.

Sheldon: We’ve all become Tufts basketball fans because of you. Go Jumbos.

Moreo: Thanks for being responsible for my one main photo credit in the paper.

Zach, Liam, Chase, Jacob and Colin: Thanks for taking photos so I don’t have to. The paper’s better because of it.

Ratner: Thanks for accompanying me to D.O. parties and for the talks about the importance of telling stories that matter.

Phil: You trusted me as a news writer to write about sports. March 2015 remains my favorite month of college. Thanks for the baseball talks, Chiefs A1 and your commitment to the paper.

Klinger: I learned more about editing from you than anyone. Thanks for making Sunday meetings a learning experience.

Jesse: Your email in October 2014 about doing analytics stuff for sports made me feel like a true member of the house. It meant more than you probably realized. Thanks for your ideas, companionship and for killing March Madness coverage.

Blum: You sat in front of me in political theory my freshman year. I knew you worked at The D.O. and carefully watched you copy edit stories on your laptop in class. Little did I know we’d become friends who got to talk baseball while everyone else was disinterested. Thanks for those chats.

Jackie: You saved Palooza 2017. Almost as clutch as that great restaurant selection in Phoenix.

Designers (Sydney, Nick, Tiffany, Yerin, Estella, Jordan, Colleen, Max, Alex, Layla, Ali, Andy, Jordana, Rori, Bridget, Kat): You all don’t get nearly the credit you deserve. Thanks for being great and for listening to my wacky ideas.

Devyn, Delaney and Emmy: I can’t draw a stick figure, and you all do amazing things. Go team.

Brendan, Laina, Nick, Divya, Byron, Alvarez and Griffin: Thanks for all your working with video and online. You’re the future.

Shuai: Yes, I am a student. I identify more as a bald eagle than a bear.

Caroline, Myelle and Joanna: Thanks for your ambitious ideas with Op in making it pop.

Amanda, Brigid and Lizzie: We asked a lot of you three going into the semester and you all delivered. So proud of you.

DiSturco and Graham: You’re both young and raw. Pitch ideas. Work hard. Keep making Sports so much fun to be in.

Casey: Harambe would be rekt if the #dankmemes channel died. Must it live forever.

Fernández: You’re wise beyond your years and are a journalist for the right reasons. Can’t wait to see you as a head ed.

Bloss: Know that you always have a #BlossTourneyTalk supporter in me.

Emera, Caroline, Hanna, Alison and Archie: Thanks for making my nightly trips down to Pulp for random chats so much fun. On a scale of 1-10, I’d say you all are a 10.

Satoshi: Proud of you. Keep that love of journalism alive and well in the house.

Delaney: It’s been so great having you back in-house this semester. Keep working hard.

Ogozalek: The moment I heard you had walked to DeWitt to get community reactions to the student murder, I knew we had a good one. Keep valuing community journalism.

Haley and Taylor: The dynamic duo! You two are amazing and make me jealous that I never got to be a copy editor.

Farr: We’ll forever share the bond of covering the Mount car accident.

Kiran: Sorry for asking about Nathan so much. How is he?

Emma: Conversations with you change the way I look at the world. So excited to see what you do with web.

Lucy: I always looked forward to having you design in News. Now I get to see you run all the visuals everyday. Keep growing and pushing yourself. Can’t wait to see what you do with another semester.

Krawczyk: Missed you a lot this semester. My opinion is you should always keep that dry sense of humor. It makes me laugh.

Gilbert: Your spunk and affection for Denny’s inspire the masses. What you did in Pulp was remarkable. Cherish that.

Gutierrez: Keep pitching. Keep working your butt off. Keep asking for critique. You’re a leader at this paper. Proud of you.

Max B.: You’re going to be the hardest person at this paper to replace. Do you work at Amazon?

Hannah: Sorry I never made it to the pizza shop. Thanks for being awesome all the way from Amsterdam. xoxo.

Manny: You keep it real and I appreciate that. Let’s get Brooklyn Pickle soon, brother.

Ad Staff: I’m really going to miss you all. Keep grinding and laughing at Mike’s jokes.

The Board: Thanks for a great year and a half. It’s been fun.

Katie: Thanks for always being available for advice and for your incredible perspective. Your commitment to the paper is extraordinary.

Tiffany: It’s been a pleasure getting to know you better this past year with The D.O.A.A. I appreciate all you’re doing for the revamp.

Dave: Your mentorship is something I truly value. Thank you for your continuous support of the paper.

Tomer: I really wish I got you into News, but you’re better off for going into Sports, as is the section. Appreciate yourself more. You inspire all of us.

Gedetsis: You’ve grown so much since Hot Crouse Buns. Saying it’s been an honor to work with you is an understatement. You push everyone around you, and it makes the paper better. Go Cleveland.

Burke: If all I’m ever known for is being the News Editor when Burke made “The Switch,” that’s fine by me. You get “it.” If only you caught the news bug a semester earlier. That would have been one heck of a staff.

Fortier: Your talent is real and your work ethic is relentless. I’ve had the pleasure of watching you since the original Ball and Breakfast two years ago. While it didn’t happen as much as we both would’ve liked this semester, they’re still one of my favorite college memories. Thanks for understanding me.

Clare: We’re very different people, yet get along so well. Outside of me making fun of you all the time and jokingly yelling at you. Thank you for being so great to work with and for realizing that The D.O. is bigger than one person.

Schneidman: I was always jealous of your entry into Sports. Working with you sophomore year on SU Athletics stuff was one of my favorite memories from 744. Keep grinding and if you need help on a current events quiz, let me know.

Grossman: From the secret society SABR meetings freshman year to now, we’ve become good friends. Thank you for your incredible perspective and for all the baseball talks. Most of all, thanks for your copy edit on my Chiefs A1.

Mettus: We’ve come a long way since freshman year at Citrus. Thanks for being the smartest person in the room and for being the inaugural news web editor. They should really bring back current events quiz posts.

Libonati: You’ll hate it if I write something sappy so I’ll keep it brief: Thanks for being a source in my first A1.

Schwedelson: I remember stalking your Twitter profile fall of sophomore year wondering who exactly you were. Now you’re one of my closest friends. The long talks over the summer. The gchats about literally everything. The late nights at the library keeping you awake. I wouldn’t trade it for the world.

Sandler: We joke a lot about Howie Hawkins coverage, but I was just as nervous as you. I knew I wanted you on my staff and two years later, your growth as a reporter and person is one of my favorite sights.

Torrens: You’re the closest thing to a sibling I have at SU. Your infectious personality is going to do wonderful things for the paper. Thanks for all the talks outside Kimmel and the Panera baguettes. I’ll miss you more than most.

Swann: Slightly jealous you get to be News editor for two semesters. OK, really jealous. You’re going to do great.

Fall 2015 assistants: So proud of all of you.

Margie and Kathryn: Thanks for being so flexible and for always being willing to listen.

Marcus and David: Thanks for dealing with my snoring sophomore year and for Thursday night Queso’s.

Chloe: Collaborating with you was one of my favorite parts of being News editor. Thanks for shutting down my crazy art ideas, for volunteering to go on New York City adventures with me and for being a great friend.

Brett: You convinced me to work in-house and I can’t thank you enough. The rest — protests, investigations and breaking news — is history. Let me know if you want to clean up more puke anytime soon.

Mike: Boy, did we get lucky in finding you. I’ll miss our long talks about life and the future of the paper. If nothing else, I became a fan of Brockport women’s lacrosse.

Mara: It still amazes me that we didn’t really know each other sophomore year. Over the two years since, you’ve become one of my closest friends. Being your managing editor was a true honor. Somehow you dealt with my throwing a kickball at your face, that terrible walk from Bruegger’s to the house and the countless hours we spent together. Your understanding of me is unmatched and for some reason, you stick around, even if it means dating jokes (sorry, Mom). You don’t give yourself nearly enough credit, both for your job as EIC and in your design work, but you’ll always have a fan in me. Let’s get bagels when we’re back for Palooza.

Alexa: You amaze me every day. Nothing accomplished over this past year would have been possible without you. Getting Kimmel ice cream and asking you to be my managing editor was far and away the best decision I made. There’s not a person at this paper who works harder than you. Thank you for that. Thank you for your perspective. Thank you for always questioning why things are done a certain way. Carry that into next year. You’re going to be great. I’m proud of you more than you realize. You can start your Palooza 2018 attendee tally — I wouldn’t miss it for the world.

Sarah, John, Jarrod and Shawn: I love you guys.

Mom and Dad: You two have pushed me for as long as I can remember. Your support is unwavering and means so much. Thank you for the random phone calls, the family road trips and for understanding why I do what I do. I love you more than you’ll ever know.

Readers: None of this is possible without you. Thanks for reading.

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